Bulk Action is nTask’s gift to its users which lets them perform the change they want to do on one task, be performed on any number of tasks.
So, you can:
- Change the color
- Add different Assignee
- Change the project with which the task is associated
- Select the Priority of the task
- And select the Status of the task
You can also Import and Export the selected tasks from and to your computer respectively.
- To access these settings, Click the import-export icon (as below)
- Here you can Export the selected tasks onto your computer
- Also, you can Import Bulk Tasks from your computer, but this is a little different
- When you will click the Import Bulk Tasks, you must click the Download Template button
- This will let you download a template in which you can enter all of your tasks and their associated attributes, on your computer
- Once you are done with that, click the Import Bulk Tasks button again and browse for the file you just edited on your computer
- Once you find the file and load it up, your bulk tasks will appear on your workspace
If there’s anything you feel needs a more extensive demonstration, you can write to us at support@ntaskmanager.com. We’d be happy to assist!