Create a Task

A Task is a piece of work to be done by the whole team. You can create a task and assign it to the relevant team members. You can also make that task a part of a project of your choosing and a lot more.

Let us tell you how you can create a Task and get the process started.

Method 1

  • Click on the “+ Add New” button and head over to the Task button
  • Click it and a popup will appear
  • Here, you can add a title to the task
  • Assign the task to someone
  • Add the task to a specific project of your choosing through the drop-down list
  • These are the basic entries about a task you can enter but if you want to add some additional details about the task then click the Show More button.
  • You can set the Priority of the task
  • You can set the status of the task
  • You can set the Actual Start/End Date for the task
  • You can also add a specific description for your task

Method 2

  • Head over to the Task section on the workspace
  • Click it and you will find a dedicated section “+ Add New Task”
  • If you are more of a shortcut fanatic, then Press “Alt+T” to create a Task quickly. In this method, you can create a task on the go and no need to worry about setting the parameters later.
  • Once you create the task, it will appear in the task list instantly
  • If you want to set the parameters for the task, you can click it on the list and a popup will appear
  • There you can set the Title, link it to the Project of your choosing, and all of the parameters for it.

Your new task has been created.

If there’s anything you feel needs a more extensive demonstration, you can write to us at We’d be happy to assist!