In nTask, we strive to give you an intuitive, visual platform that manages everything in one place. Status Column is a key factor in helping you plan, organize, and track all of your team’s work according to status labels.
In this article, we will tell you how to add a new status column in nTask Boards.
How to add a new status column?
1. Get into the Boards Tab.

2. Select the Board you need to work on or create a new Board.

3. Once you get on your board (and you are on a Business Plan), you will see a “+ Add New” column tab on the right side of the board.

4. Type the name of the status you want to add to your workflow. For example, we have added the “No Approval” status.

You can create and add as many status columns as you want for your workflow.
Please note: Custom Status is a Business Feature. Check nTask Plans to upgrade. Other users can try this feature free for 14-days.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to us through the chat box. Also, you can write to us at We’d be happy to assist!